Squirt eZ-Luber

Any cyclist should know that lubricating a bike’s chain requires your cranks to be rotated backwards in order to get good lube coverage of the entire chain length.
However, the mechanics of an e-bike motor and gearbox require that the crank arm assembly be locked in place by using a bike tool in order to be able to back pedal. Another way to get the chain moving is to lift the e-bike’s rear wheel off the ground and pedal forward. E-bikes are often quite heavy which makes this a cumbersome task.
The Squirt eZ-Luber makes lubing your e-bike chain effortless. Just fit it over the crank arm, secure the turn hook to the chain ring assembly and your cranks can now be rotated backwards while the rear wheel is on the ground. It takes just a minute and is easy and simple. Watch the video below.
Use Squirt E-bike Chain Wax with hight pressure additives to ensure your e-bike’s chain keeps running smooth and quiet for longer.