The Adventure Racing World Series (ARWS) unites in competition, the world’s best endurance athletes at the premiere adventure races around the world. The series includes Qualifier expedition races of 3-10 days leading up to an annual Adventure Racing World Championship. Regional races of 12-36 hours offer an accessible pathway into adventure racing, and the opportunity to progress to expedition races and the World Championship.
Combined there are currently 64 races in the Adventure Racing World Series. Regional races are held in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Oceania.
The 2023 World Championships to be held in South Africa will be the ARWS biggest World Championships yet.
Squirt Cycling Products is a proud partner of the AR World Series 2023
With innovative and high-quality range of bike care products, Squirt Cycling has become the go-to brand for all disciplines of the cycling community, adventure and endurance athletes.
The Squirt range of products are manufactured with the environment in mind, ensuring that excellent performance of their consumables is not achieved at a negative cost to the earth and the health of consumers.
Benefits of Squirt Cycling Products to all AR World Series participants:
Squirt Cycling’s flagship product, its Long Lasting Chain Lube, is biodegradable and will last for the length of any marathon ride. It reduces chain friction, keeps your bicycle chain clean and will not create a grinding paste, thus prolonging the life of the bicycle’s drive chain.
Squirt Barrier Balm is a unique product in the anti-chafe market. It contains lanolin and tea tree oil which forms a microfilm barrier on skin when applied. Barrier Balm is water repellent and offers lasting protection against chafing, blisters and rashes caused by clothing, shoes and sports equipment. It’s the go-to for long distance and endurance athletes, regardless of the conditions.
This combination of Squirtlube products will allow participants to focus on the job at hand and not worry about a noisy chain or the discomfort of chafing during their 500km + adventure of mountain biking, paddling, navigation, climbing and more.
Other products include Squirt SEAL Tyre Sealant, Squirt Biodegradable Bike Cleaner and the Squirt Sweatsucker sweatband.
For more information on the AR World Series visit and for more information on Squirt Cycling Products visit